We offer an innovative tool to help you save time and make your day more productive.
Dashboard View
Create & Manage Events
Hassle free set-up of payment accounts
Get Sponsors & Attendees data at one place
Easy sharing of the sponsorship forms
Generate Reports
Wild Apricot Integration
About Us
Navigator was born out of a practical need to track the management of sponsors, speakers and attendees in the event process. Co-Pilots, a business management firm, provides professional event management services. After 10 years of tracking data manually with spreadsheets and online forms, the need became a reality.
Co-Pilots uses Navigator daily in the management of our client’s events. We understand the need for a time-saving event management tool that automates, tracks, and simplifies the event planning process. This tool allows us to save time by automating many of your manual event management tasks and reduces the risk of human error.
It is our hope that Navigator will become an invaluable tool for your event needs as well.